Sustainability Report 2022

Ambitious sustainability targets for our Mid-Range Plan 2023–2027 and a net-zero commitment for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2035

We have reached another milestone by embedding sustain­ability into our business strategy with our new Mid-Range Plan 2027. Sustainability is now deeply rooted in our new purpose and a key pillar for the business strategies of both divisions. To underline our commitment, we have defined eight key sustain­ability targets for 2027, one for each material topic.

Our sustainability roadmap is fully integrated in our Mid-Range Plan 2027. It follows a strategic approach, is focused on eight material topics, and has a firmly anchored governance.

Burckhardt Compression sustainability targets

Our Strategic Approach

We create leading compression solutions for a sustainable energy future and aspire to incorporate economic, environmental, and so­cial aspects into our business activities and decisions. Burckhardt Compression is an industrial technology company specializing in reciprocating compression solutions for all types of gases. With a company history stretching back over 179 years and products with a useful life of more than half a century, we base our business decisions on a long-term perspective. And we approach sustain­ability with the same mindset: pragmatic, focused on the long-term, creating value and impact driven.

“Sustainability is an integrated part of our new Mid-Range Plan, and a key to creating leading compression solutions for a sustainable energy future.”

Fabrice Billard

A clear focus based on our materiality analysis

We use a materiality analysis to determine where our company’s activities have the greatest impact on society, the environment, and the economy. For this purpose, we conducted an impact analysis, where we assessed actual and potential positive and negative impacts of our activities along the value chain. The aspects of scale, scope, and likelihood of impacts were considered as assessment categories with a precedence of scale and scope. In this process, we gathered the views and concerns of our key stakeholders – investors, customers, employees, and suppliers – online and in person. We updated the analysis in this reporting period to reflect the updated requirements of the GRI Standards. Impact is now the only determinant for materiality definition, and water has been included as an operational topic.

For each of the eight material topics, we have appointed a topic leader who, together with subject matter experts, develops our approach. Operational topics are important to us as well, but we do not pursue them with the same strategic approach as the material topics. They are integrated into the operational business activities at the departmental level. Other topics may be of greater relevance for a specific subsidiary, but not across the whole Group. We address these topics on a situation-specific basis.

The topics located in the top-right of the matrix were identified by us as material. For each of the eight material topics, we have appointed a topic leader, who together with subject matter experts will further develop our approach.

Material topics

Extended key figures

Environmental metrics 1    
Energy useMWh59’10749’92845’619
      Electricity 30’65827’77918’915
      Fuels and combustibles 2 18’58516’60818’569
      District heating 9’8645’5418’135
Share of renewable electricity%21152
Energy intensitykWh/working hour10.19.49.1
Greenhouse gas emissions    
Greenhouse gas emissions Scope 1 3tCO2e4’6744’2215’187
      Combustibles 1’5511’4852’541
      Fuels 2’9142’5082’421
      Others 209228225
Greenhouse gas emissions Scope 2 4, 5tCO2e15’39613’1988’369
      Electricity 13’71212’2526’980
      District heating 1’6849461’389
Greenhouse gas emission intensity 
by working hours (Scope 1 and 2)
kgCO2e/working hour3.43.32.7
Greenhouse gas emission intensity 
by working hours without foundry (Scope 1 + 2)
kgCO2e/working hour2.32.11.9
Greenhouse gas emission intensity 
by sales volume (Scope 1 + 2)
Greenhouse gas emissions business travel (Scope 3)tCO2e2’5671’3611’211
Water and waste    
Water 6m378’68783’81091’218
Waste 6t3’5302’8052’605

1With the exception of the figures for water consumption and waste, the data relate to all sites of the Burckhardt Compression Group. The data collection for environmental data is performed by calendar year. The denominators sales volume and working hours are collected per fiscal year. The greenhouse gas inventory was calculated according to the WRI/WBCSD Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard. ’Operational control’ was selected as the consolidation approach. Energy and greenhouse gas emissions data for 2020 and 2019 have been recalculated due to methodological adjustments, conversion factors and working hours calculation. The values are higher than in the previous report.

2From fossil sources.

3Scope 1 includes all directly caused emissions (e.g. combustion of fuels, loss of refrigerants).

4Scope 2 includes emissions caused with purchased energy (electricity, district heating).

5Reported according to the market-based approach under the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 standard. The location-based approach results in emissions of 15’801 tCO2e in 2022 (2021: 13’653 tCO2e, 2020: 8’574 tCO2e).

6Data refer to the production and assembly sites of the Burckhardt Compression Group, including headquarter (Switzerland, India, China, South Korea, United States).

Employee structure    
Number of employees FTE2’9732’7322’538
Permanent 2’7242’5082’339
      Male 2’3202’1452’000
      Female 404363339
      EMEA 1’2641’1521’037
      APAC 1’1551’0661’014
      Americas 305290288
Temporary 249224199
      Male 188171158
      Female 615340
      EMEA 191613
      APAC 229207185
      Americas 111
Full-time 2’8562’6282’445
      Male 2’4422’2562’103
      Female 414372342
      EMEA 1’1671’065959
      APAC 1’3841’2731’199
      Americas 305290287
Part-time 11710493
      Male 666056
      Female 514437
      EMEA 11610391
      APAC 000
      Americas 112
Number of external workers 305298187
Number trainees & apprentices 17815391
 2022 20212020
 FTE% yearly averageFTE% yearly averageFTE% yearly average
New employee hires (% of yearly average)51017.7%45117.1%1495.8%
 FTE% end of yearFTE% end of yearFTE% end of year
New employee hires (% of yearly average)51017.2%45116.5%1495.9%
      < 25 years5543.6%4550.2%1620.3%
      25–34 years21026.9%17122.2%546.9%
      35–44 years14513.8%12113.7%354.5%
      45–54 years6310.3%6911.6%274.9%
      > 54 years379.2%4511.4%174.8%
 FTE% yearly averageFTE% yearly averageHeadcount 1% yearly average 1
Employee turnover (% of yearly average)30810.7%26610.1%2499.5%
 FTE% end of yearFTE% end of yearHeadcount 1% end of year
Employee turnover (% of end of year)30810.4%2669.7%2499.6%
      < 25 years1713.4%1719.1%1923.5%
      25–34 years10012.8%8210.6%779.8%
      35–44 years807.6%879.9%536.7%
      45–54 years437.0%366.0%396.9%
      > 54 years6816.9%4411.1%6116.7%

1Turnover data for 2020 is based on headcount.

Health and Safety 1   
Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR)
Severity Rate (IR) 324.625.024.0
Lost Time Workday Rate (LTWR) 415.627.816.4

1The data collection for occupational health and safety data is performed by calendar year.

2Rate per 200’000 working hours for number of recordable incidents with lost time > 1 working day.

3Number of lost days/incidents subject to registration with loss > 1 working day.

4Rate per 200’000 working hours for total of lost workdays.

Sustainability Report 2022
